Let all intervals be of integers. Fix a natural number k≥1. Primorial pn# is defined as usual to be p1p2⋯pn. Let an undeclared p or q just mean any prime number.
Lemma 1. The number of x∈[0,y] such that x2=k2(modpi) for no i=1..n is given by:
f(y)=d∣pn#, d≤y∑(−1)ω(d)c∣d, gcd(c,2k)=1∑⌊dy−(zc,d)(d)⌋(0)
Where (zc,d)(d) is the unique least non-negative residue in Z modulo d such that zc,d=k(modc), zc,d=−k(modcd). Then condition (zc,d)(d)<d≤y ensures that there exists at least one such x=(zc,d)(d) in the interval [0,y]. Otherwise this term needs to equal zero as it counts the number of such solutions in the interval.
Proof. Define Ai={x∈[0,y]:x2=k2(modpi)} where pi is the ith prime number.
Then the expression we’re after is y−∣A1∪A2∪⋯∪An∣. We can compute this via inclusion-exclusion to be:
y+1<d∣pn#, d≤y∑(−1)ω(d)∣p∣d⋂Aπ(p)∣(1)
The size of each intersection term counts the number x∈[0,y] such that x2=k2(modp) for all prime p∣d. But modulo each p, we have that x2=k2(modp)⟺x=k or x=−k(modp). So what we can do is split up d into c,cd and sum up the count for each special case x=k(modc) (equivalently modulo each p∣c) and x=−k(modcd) (equivalently modulo each p∣cd).
Except if gcd(c,2k)=1 in which case we have that there exist a prime p∣c such that p∣(k−(−k))=2k. Which means the two possibilities x=k or x=−k modulo p are equivalent. What happens is a double counting of ∣⋂p∣dAπ(p)∣ in the case that gcd(c,2k)=1. Thus we only consider when x=−k(mod2) if we remove that case from the final summation.
Now focusing on a single special case x=k(modc),x=−k(modd),gcd(c,2k)=1. Let (zc,d)(d)=x. We know that we want to count all solutions to:
So simply rearrange this:
⟺0−(zc,d)(d)≤dz≤y−(zc,d)(d) ⟺d−(zc,d)(d)≤z≤dy−(zc,d)(d), but z∈Z,⟺⌈d−(zc,d)(d)⌉≤z≤⌊dy−(zc,d)(d)⌋
The expression on the left is just zero, by definition of (⋅)(d) taking things to the least non-negative residue (modd) in Z. Thus for this special case, the count is:
The reason we can (and may have to, in summation bound) take d≤y is that if d>y≥x, then dz+(zc,d)(d)≤y<d⟹dz≤y−(zc,d)(d)<d so that z≤dy−(zc,d)(d)<dd=1, which means z=0
All together and referring back to formula (2) we have that we must sum up these special case counts over all possible choices of c∣d,gcd(c,2k)=1:
f(y)=y+1<d∣pn#, d≤y∑(−1)ω(d)c∣d,gcd(c,2k)=1∑⌊dy−(zc,d)(d)⌋
Now notice that we rewrite it in our goal form (0) by noticing that z1,1=0 and so we can allow in d=1 and when you evaluate at d=1 the inner sum, you get y itself. ■
Corollary 1. With y=pn+12−2,n∈N. The 2k-separated prime pair conjecture is proven if f(y) is not eventually 0. For example if f(y) is always growing as n→∞.
Proof. If x∈[0,y] is such that x2=k2 modulo any pi,i=1..n (that’s what f(y) counts !), then by Sieve-of-Eratosthenes, we have that x2−k2 is a product of primes or that x is a 2k-separated prime average. So f(y) essentially counts all 2k-separated prime pair averages in the interval [0,y] whenever y≤pn+12−2. That is kind of a strict maximum because if you let in y=pn+12−1 then y+1=pn+12 is also coprime to all pi,i=1..n and yet it’s not a prime number, and so it would get falsely counted. ■
Corollary 2. The formula is true for any y≤pn+12−2, that is f(y) counts the number of 2k-separated prime pair averages in that interval, as long as of course y>pn+1.
Proof. It could turn out that pn is a twin prime first and so pn+1 is a twin prime average, but it would not be “picked up by the count” because pn is part of the set pi,i=1..n which has canceled out that average. The first statement follows from the discussion in the proof of Corollary 1. ■
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